The subjectivity of reality

Instead of quantity surveying, I really should have done philosophy but it’s not that marketable. I’ve never seen a philosophy vacancy advertised in the newspaper: “Philosopher wanted. 20 years of experience.” The interview would be hilarious. “I am over 20 years old and that means I have 20+ years experience. Give me the job!”

Talking about experience, a video on youtube just challenged my notions of reality. And now I have combined all those ideas and formed my own but still the same old sold and resold version of reality purposely to spread the thoughts on the same and maybe inspire a few people to question deeply. Doubt and skepticism are art forms. The only difference might be my language of description- many a time philosophers have argued, sometimes in their heads, on what exactly is reality. Here is my take.

I believe reality is layered and we can only perceive the top layer. We live in the top layer. The top layer is our reality. There is a shrimp which can see colours in the electromagnetic spectrum. That shrimp’s reality, however fact-based it might be, is infinitely different from mine. I wear glasses too as I am short sighted. Suffice to say I cannot be a reliable eyewitness without my glasses and even then… we see the world differently even though our range of reality is bound by the same limitations and rules.

Hypothetically, we are swimming in an ocean of possibilities and what keeps us afloat is reality. Beneath the surface of the ocean are other layers of reality, which can kill us if we are not too careful. I think this is a good example- another is an astronaut in space. An astronaut in space is confined to a small reality in the form of the space suit and oxygen tank. That is far as his reality goes. If he removes the gas mask or suit, he will die. His awareness of the lack of oxygen and possible radioactivity in space is what keeps him alive.

Consciousness- the tree in the middle of the garden of Eden: let me borrow a familiar story for the sake of understanding. What is implied is that ignoring reality is death since reality is what keeps us alive. Away from those extreme scenarios, if the environments change say on land, reality becomes favourable. An astronaut does not need a space suit on earth. An understanding of rules and limitations therefore keeps reality in check and us alive.
Reality is highly reactive.

The rules of reality are subjective depending on how we relate with them. If we go digging through the layers of reality without considering the rules of reality then we put ourselves in danger. That’s exactly what philosophers do! And scientists go even further and look for proofs for different realities. The deaths of Socrates and Jesus are both similar in that they both challenged accepted notions of reality. They explored too much, exposed too much and people got uncomfortable with their contrarian views. But let me refrain from the spiritual before I lose the last person still reading this.

A more scientific example is when Galileo proved in the 1600s that the sun was the centre of the solar system. He was placed under house arrest.These examples prove that people who explore the foundations of reality will be met with a lot of resistance. If we are in a simulation as people like Elon Musk believe, then the person who comes with the irrefutable proof certainly will be silenced. There is no reality without life- truth is the exact opposite. Pure truth exists even beyond the life (or life forms) perceiving it. But humans we have watered down truth through the ages. As I’ve said before, “The mother of truth is belief. Facts are nothing but a foster home for truth.” People will believe any BS and often people edit facts to suit their beliefs and build their “false” truths.


I’ve been thinking about NOT publishing this but what the hell let me disappoint an ENTIRE GENERATION.

Research shows that by the time you, yes YOU, are 28 to about 34 you will have hit mid-mid-life crisis at least 3 times. This mid-mid-life crisis is characterized by the realization that everything you grew up believing was ALL LIES and I know this because I have experienced it a couple of times myself. I guess it is a normal rite of passage in the twenty-first century though I could be wrong. It’s a millennial problem, our generation, we grew up thinking we were “ENTITLED” that the world owed us a good life, that we would have it “COMING EASY”. At this point if the term “millennial” sounds like witchcraft to you, you should probably google it. Growing up we were raised by the TV where we saw fast cars, beautiful people, the high life, Vegas, billionaires and celebrities just to point out a few. Chuck Norris probably deserves special mention. Majority of us were told we were special, that we could be anything we wanted. That we could all be presidents, millionaires, billionaires, celebrities… anything WE WANTED. We interpreted the statement “you can be anything you want” to mean “if you want it “IT” will come to you automatically”. And that is how the cookie crumbles (Bruce Almighty). Good thing about this point in the story is that most of us are now coming to realize that we were WRONG. But how could we be wrong? Let’s go over a few COLD, HARD TRUTHS. You are NOT ENTITLED to anything. The world OWES YOU NOTHING. If you want something you HAVE TO GO GET IT. That is what our fathers’ and grandfathers’ generation understood. Blood, sweat and tears are NOT DIRTY. Blood, sweat and tears are proof that you are working your ass off and not waiting for somebody to CROWN YOU something you most likely don’t deserve. We are the SOFTEST generation of the last 3000 years. Stuff on in the INTERNET is giving us sleepless nights. We have not gone two or three days without food and water and no way to ask for help. We are the LOST GENERATION. Not all of us are going to be presidents, billionaires, celebrities and the like. It is STATISTICALLY IMPOSSIBLE. The fact that you are special in your own way applies to everybody. So millennials: GET YOUR HEADS OUT OF YOUR ASSES AND WORK YOUR ASSES OFF. After you’ve had a few of these mid-mid-life crises starting from your late teens there are a few important things you know and trust me I know.

It’s true, the truth hurts… only if you let it.