Poetry & Patterns

Poetry is all about patterns. Choosing the right word is secondary. Rhyme is not a must. Flow is important and must not be forced.

A poem is the shortest short story in the world. A thousand stories can be told in ten lines.

Poetry is like a maths or scientific equation. Just like E=mc², a poem is brief, precise and gets you wondering.

For example here’s how I usually write poetry.

First draft

But rare,
A world of hidden beauty,
Unexpected, uneven, an oddity,
That takes us unaware,


But there,
Eerily hidden, rare,
A world of gripping beauty,
Unexpected, a crooked oddity,
That takes us unaware,
Yeah yeah.

Can you spot the patterns? Which one do you prefer?

Edit: The bold makes it very hard NOT to spot that BEAUTY😂