Too much love

We are ravaged by want, unending want,
Nothing is enough and yet the options multiply,
Devoid of patience we tire and chase shadows,

Ending up disappointed we hate the other,
Ever looking outward, blame and wrong is without,
No thought of looking in and reconciling flaws,
The parade of goods and luxuries keep us on our toes,

But the branch with the fruit keeps getting higher,
The tree is too big but our ignorance knows no bounds,
We curse the fruits; they are sour after all,
All the while salivating and licking our lips,
This lust demands satiation,

Around we look for options,
Around this multitude of dirty competition,
Instincts drive us to crush and eliminate,
We value experience over the ability to endure,
Among the dead and forgotten; perserverance,
And so the lovers engage in the game of love,

The only rules are don’t lose,
This love is not a love for people,
This love is a love for options.