The Greatest Show of Power for Men

Restraint or Domination over Self is the most powerful thing a man with power can achieve.

Men in power get a lot of opportunities to dominate others, to decide on proceedings, to showcase the full extent of their power. The desire to dominate is mostly a masculine energy:- a few women often have that will and opportunity but that is not the focus of this post.

Restraint is the highest level of the dominance hierarchy. Men we understand dominance all too well. Women “nurture” while men “dominate“. Be it in farming, living, working, on average that’s what happens.

It so follows then that the more power a man has, the more restraint he must exercise. What about the man with little to no power? Shouldn’t he act with little to no restraint? That often is the natural route men with little to no power take.

Lacking respect, lacking the littlest responsibility the man separated from a bit of power becomes emasculated. He becomes a menace to society, a menace to his family… this is why some men who lose their jobs become dysfunctional (alcoholics, gamblers, abusers etc). Can this man exercise restraint? Almost 100% NO, more so if he feels he has nothing to lose.

TLDR; Society needs to find a way to help the powerless man. Powerful men must restrain themselves and assist the dysfunctioning men.

Grind Pause (Before We Get Back to it)

One Saturday afternoon I had some time to kill,
The house was chilly so I went out to chill,
Met some guys in a deep discussion about the grind,
One ninja, “Money these days is hard to find”
Second ninja, “People have money it’s just you and me pal”
Few laughs hahaha both of them spoke true,
We talked about politics a bit,
And more on the cost of living,
“Will the grind ever stop?”
I ventured to ask,
A very drunk man said he might drink every day but he at least works for it,
‘There ain’t no rest for the wicked” somebody else added,
“But we are here resting and relaxing,” said a rastaman,
“It doesn’t make sense grinding, being ground down for 5 days to allow yourself to relax 2 days,” my friend Msanii added,
A moment of silent contemplation,
The soundlessness of egos deflating,
A moment of respectful introspection,
Then somebody shouted, “Sherehe lazima!”
And bought drinks for everybody,
Saturday afternoon quickly turned to Saturday evening,
No talks of inevitable Monday,
“What if we are all mad and we just don’t know it?”
I left Msanii starting another mad world hypothesis the details of which I was not too eager to get