Technical Writing: Boring Stuff yet Efficient Writer

I’m a pantser when creative writing but a plotter in technical writing. In fiction I can’t resist the intrusive pun, the obvious parody, the occasional allusion, the alluring allegory, the mirthful metaphor, the unexpected twist… with such an approach I have no power to influence where the story goes.

Technical writing, on the other hand, is limiting i.e.

5000 words report with executive summary and 20 references in format X, deadline 3 days from now”.

I break that down:

1) “Intro” 10%
2) “Conclusion” 10%.
3) 4000 words “Main Body” 80%.

Nice start. I give myself a thumbs up. Now I need 500 word sections. 8 parts or points. Great. I’m on a roll. Up to that point it’s just mental gymnastics plotting. A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H sections. 1, 2, 3… yes those are 8. I’ve done half the work. I watch a movie, work on something else, take a walk… anything really so long as it’s NOT the report needed in less than 3 days.

Once done with the above ground work, I go through four or five steps to write the details of the boring stuff.

Step 1: Productive Procrastination

I spend 36/72 hours just mulling (subconsciously, since I’m doing other things) on the HOW to go about writing the report. My number 1 Research method is Internet searches. Specific internet searches, followed by gathering information from reputable reliable sources and sites, and academic journals. 20 references needed has me opening 20 tabs hahaha.

Step 2: Rough Draft

24 hours remaining I have a rough outline for Main Body. Intro and Conclusion come later. Then I start typing with the help of about 11 open website tabs. 4k words in 7 hours, sometimes less sometimes more depends on how productive mulling/procrastination step was. Intro and conclusion at this point are very easy less than an hour both.

Now I have a 5k words draft. I take a 2 hour break.

Step 3: Editing and Formatting

2 hours later, I spend 2 hours looking for the 20 references in X format. I use a scholarly repository such as Google Scholar. Next is format accordingly.

References neatly put alphabetically, I rearrange the 8 parts of Main Body starting with the STRONGEST. If there’s a weak point I eliminate it if I’ve exceeded the word limit and replace it with another if the word count is under the word limit.

Step 4: Finishing Touches

I proof-read. Grammarly or Turnitin check though sometimes their ‘corrective‘ suggestions are plain senseless. You have to be logical and meticulous you don’t change the message by doing needless corrections. Once done and dusted I send the email or upload WITHIN THE LAST HOUR to deadline for various reasons experience has been kind enough to impart.

Final Step: Conclusion and Recommendation

This “breakdown into sections” technique makes me an EFFICIENT boring writer. For Technical or boring writing efficiency is quality. Almost the only quality needed.

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