Man of Many Hats

I own 4 trousers and six shirts,
But I wear many many, many hats,
I am a workhorse to my boss,
Bringing in more profits than loss,

Out in the world I’m a capitalist,
What’s belongs to me is solely mine,
When i go home I’m a socialist,
I share with my family and it’s fine,

To my friends I’m a philosopher sage,
Always talking stoicism, realism, many theories,
Acquintances say I shy away from center-stage,
They say, “You write well but in person you don’t say your stories!”

In Nairobi I walk with two extra steps in my pace,
One for the Nyongoloman* and the other for the watching city,

Many times I have to take a break from the rat-race,
In my hometown I’m more relaxed, less hasty.

Born in Kenya so that’s my nationality,
I tend to agree with the Austrian School of Economics,
Constantly becoming everyday– no finality,
And minding my own business and politics.

I own four trousers and six shirts,
But I wear many many, many hats,
If you ask me what I stand for or who I am,
I say I’m a man of many hats, and keep calm.

*Nyongolo– slang for the act of “kupigwa ngeta” (nyongwa). Nyongoloman is the ninja doing that😂😂

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