Man of Many Hats

I own 4 trousers and six shirts,
But I wear many many, many hats,
I am a workhorse to my boss,
Bringing in more profits than loss,

Out in the world I’m a capitalist,
What’s belongs to me is solely mine,
When i go home I’m a socialist,
I share with my family and it’s fine,

To my friends I’m a philosopher sage,
Always talking stoicism, realism, many theories,
Acquintances say I shy away from center-stage,
They say, “You write well but in person you don’t say your stories!”

In Nairobi I walk with two extra steps in my pace,
One for the Nyongoloman* and the other for the watching city,

Many times I have to take a break from the rat-race,
In my hometown I’m more relaxed, less hasty.

Born in Kenya so that’s my nationality,
I tend to agree with the Austrian School of Economics,
Constantly becoming everyday– no finality,
And minding my own business and politics.

I own four trousers and six shirts,
But I wear many many, many hats,
If you ask me what I stand for or who I am,
I say I’m a man of many hats, and keep calm.

*Nyongolo– slang for the act of “kupigwa ngeta” (nyongwa). Nyongoloman is the ninja doing that😂😂

Depression, Suicidal Thoughts, and Mental Health

I was depressed almost 2 years and I didn’t know it. Only in hindsight did I connect the dots.

When you are depressed you are alone with your negative thoughts. The feeling of uselessness is strong. Your general outlook on life is bleak- we are all going to die anyway, so why try. Simple things like getting out of bed, or cleaning become a chore. Aside: I wonder how parents of young kids get through depression. Must be tough.

You go to work or school late, looking unkempt coz you don’t really care. Your boss or lecturer mentions that in a joke, and you laugh. If you are very valuable, they pull you aside and remind you of looking great. If you are not, that’s the beginning of the end. In a few weeks, you are fired or failing in class.

What brings about living life this way? Grief? Guilt, repressed and recurring baggage from long ago? Usually a trigger sets off these negative states. States because these are emotions that won’t go away and give space to other emotions. No space for joy; no space for hope; no space for meaning.

Depression pushes down every other emotion, and like a dictator puts your life locked on autopilot. You are half-conscious, mostly, going through the motions like a robot. What about confiding in others? Why would you do that? Maybe all these guys are facing the same thing, maybe you’ve just got to handle it better, is your thought.

Your relationships will suffer, especially those that are majorly transactional or involve the division of labour. If you are the breadwinner depressed because you missed a promotion and your wife left you, your relationship with kids suffers. If you are usually the life of the party for youngins and suddenly you are withdrawn, those Friday invites reduce and eventually they stop. Nobody wants a killjoy.

At this point, you are like nobody wants me. You think you are a liability. You overthink on that. Your thoughts take you back decades to childhood when you got lost in a market and your parents had to look for you for 3 hours. You overanalyze and overcritique yourself. You call your mother, she picks up, and asks you why you are calling her at 3AM. You didn’t even realize it was 3AM. You have been overthinking for the last eight hours.

You tell your mum goodnight, and you’ll visit on Friday. You can’t sleep. You overthink on that too. Maybe you shoulf get sleeping pills. That cheers you up a bit. At least a problem you can get a solution to. You get 3 hours of sleep, and dream of sleeping pills, and blissful sleep.

The next day you are feeling alive, more alive than ever. That talk with your mother made you realize you hadn’t been sleeping well. At work, a colleague compliments you; you look sharp today. Another says hi and smiles. It takes you a minute to realize that bar today, lately you’ve been dreary and bad vibes. Your panic and start thinking about your troubles again. Angry ex-wife, child support, work deadlines. Your 2 hours of compartmentalization is gone. Sleeping pills. You hold on to that thought like OCD.

Okay I hadn’t pictured it would go this specific route. You are now thinking of sleeping pills and overdose/suicide aren’t you?

That day somehow you become more social, make dry jokes, and ask about how people are doing. You used to do that way back before the divorce and missing out on promotion. Old work friends say they miss out on that side of you. Another whispers to you that he has a female friend, a divorcee too but she has no kids. Perharps she might introduce you two one of these days. You want to say No but you don’t you say ‘Sure, one of these days we can all meet.’

Later at home, 2 sleeping pills in your system, you still wake up at 4AM. You’ve managed 2 hours sleep. You take two more. You wake up at 8AM, you are going to be late for work.

You are late for work but it’s a slow day so your boss is not on your neck. You google the sleeping pills you bought. They are supposed to be strong. Not more than two every eight hours. You took 4 in six hours. You read that 4 can kill a grown man. You start thinking what if you could have died.

You think more on death as the day goes by. If you die no more drama with the ex-wife. But you’ll miss your 2 kids who you only see two weekends in a month, and nowadays you don’t want them to see you that much because they might realize daddy is sad. Anyway, that’s a pro and a con. Without realizing it, you are starting to think about suicide.

The Mind is one place we really have no clue about what goes on there. The brain is an organ, everybody who knows what biology deals with understands that. But what is the Mind? How are thoughts generated? How do concepts relate?

Reading Carl Jung’s book about dreams, and Victor Frankl “Man’s search for Meaning” helped me. Then Allan Watts philosophy of Zen, and stoicism, gave me anchorage. Philosophy and psychology helped save my mental health. Talking to strangers too, helping them. Finally, writing, having a way to express myself, helped. If I could paint or play the piano I would, but writing is my art, and I immersed myself in it. And I still do. Thankfully for those 2 years I avoided social media and the pressure.

The purpose of this article was to demonstrate how much we don’t understand mental health, depression, and why people decide to end it all via suicide. We don’t even know how the mind works. Carl Jung almost went made trying to decipher the mind or so it is rumored. I saw that in a Jordan Peterson lecture.

Closing remark is this if you have some mental health issues consider having a creative outlet. if you find it hard to talk to people then let your art do it for you. And yes, it is art, even if it’s just putting words next to each other. Some of you might ask, “What about us those with zero creative bones?”

I call it Expressive art because it is an umbrella term. Art and Craft classes encapsultes what I meant. It can be pottery, knitting, making paper planes, colouring a colouring book (a friend actually does this it’s so brilliant)… the list is virtually endless. Just express yourself. You’ll find meaning, purpose, and in a round-robin manner you’ll chase away depression.

And finally, we are not the same. Some people are more prone to depression than others. So please don’t consider my experience and commentary as irrefutable truth. Do you own research, find your customized cocktail of solutions. Mine was Philosophy+Psychology+Poetry (Triple P). Yours could be Religion+Photography+Travel. Know thyself so you can make cocktails you like.

Poetry & Patterns

Poetry is all about patterns. Choosing the right word is secondary. Rhyme is not a must. Flow is important and must not be forced.

A poem is the shortest short story in the world. A thousand stories can be told in ten lines.

Poetry is like a maths or scientific equation. Just like E=mc², a poem is brief, precise and gets you wondering.

For example here’s how I usually write poetry.

First draft

But rare,
A world of hidden beauty,
Unexpected, uneven, an oddity,
That takes us unaware,


But there,
Eerily hidden, rare,
A world of gripping beauty,
Unexpected, a crooked oddity,
That takes us unaware,
Yeah yeah.

Can you spot the patterns? Which one do you prefer?

Edit: The bold makes it very hard NOT to spot that BEAUTY😂

Bathsheba — Unreliable Narrator

I saw a bird bathing today,In a shallow hollow crook of some tree,Using gathered rain water from yesterday’s rain,A convenient natural bath-tub,It flittered through the water, and up out, shook its feathers,Hovered a bit,Flittered through the water, and up out, shook its feathers, againDid this a few times,A small bird, grey-blackish— nothing memorable,But for that […]

Bathsheba — Unreliable Narrator


I saw a bird bathing today,
In a shallow hollow crook of some tree,
Using gathered rain water from yesterday’s rain,
A convenient natural bath-tub,
It flittered through the water, and up out, shook its feathers,
Hovered a bit,
Flittered through the water, and up out, shook its feathers, again
Did this a few times,
A small bird, grey-blackish— nothing memorable,
But for that moment, not longer than a minute, it was glorious,
A being which were it a human,
I, and my four eyes, would have been intruding on private moments.

It’s true I actually saw the bird. The connection to Bathsheba came later in the process of writing