I am the daughter of rain and fiery sky,
The earth beneath my feet bear my weight well,
I was born in the time of the migration of the great buffalos,
I was named in the dust of their hasty retreat,
My shrieks behind them begging them back without success,

It rained the next day, several days subsequent,
I did not shiver in the wet, the only pup that survived,
The gazelles stayed around for the fast growing grass,
As the rest of the herds scattered,
My mother the leader led great hunts, her daughter suckled to her fill,

I grew up fit and strong, my coat got my signature paints,
I earned the scars on my belly leading the hunt of a kudu,
Grown now, my dying mother gave me her blessings to lead the clan,
Prey, whatever you are, when you hear our yelps, let your legs carry you,

For here on the African savannah, we run the wild.

P.S. African wild dogs are social carnivores and their society is matriarchal. At the top is the alpha female and male couple who in most cases the only ones allowed to breed in the group.

For more information on these interesting African predators visit the site below. https://africageographic.com/stories/10-interesting-facts-african-wild-dogs/

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