Strong to Serve

The world will have you think it prefers weak men,

Men with no honor, zero integrity, easily bought,

Men whose palms are easy to grease, dancing to the tune of the highest bidder, But the world lies, The world promises honey and power,

Secretly it saps away the masculine energy, In its place weakness sets and spreads like a cancer,

Weak men are fallible, they are easily toppled, They are cowards who find it hard to sleep peacefully,

Because they know the world gives but woe is on those who receive before giving, For the world is an impatient landlord with no qualms when rent is overdue,

For in receiving first it means much more will be taken, And the nightmare is not knowing when,

That’s why men ought to be of strength, Refusing to be emasculated and instead be testosteroned, Because men were made to be strong,

To encourage men to be like women is like weighing a feather against a block of iron and expect equilibrium,

In the societal scale, balance is important, Before men are forgotten, remember, Men were made to be strong,

Strong to serve.

“Strong to Serve” is the school motto of Alliance High School.

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