The Future Is…

Futurist here, there are some things I wish to share about what’s coming. In our lifetime, if you live for the next 50 years, we are going to witness:

  1. Technologies that slow down aging– Alzheimer’s, Dementia could be a thing of the past.
  2. New money– we’ve had cowry shells, fiat currencies, something else is coming. Especially now governments have seen the appeals of crypto, when Central Banks join the next wave, something else will come up.
  3. First manned flight to Mars– Elon Musk, NASA, China, India, Russia… the players are gathering.
  4. More understanding of space phenomena. Blackholes, space objects passing near the earth more.
  5. Change in social and government structures– not sure how yet. Bureaucracies and democracies might even be made of Artificial Intelligence???
  6. New forms in building, architecture, planning and industry.
  7. Food being grown in the lab from cells??? It’s already happening, more to come.
  8. A better understanding of neural networks and brain functions: helpful for treating Autism and other neurodegenerative diseases.
  9. The definition of work is going to change with coming Robotics, AI and IoT. Just look at VAR in football games. Maybe creative pursuits will be monetized.
  10. Designer babies– Genomics is going to create gene editing techniques. If my family has sickle-cell anaemia, I can just tell the doctors to remove the sickle-cell genes from my offspring! Crazy right? Designer babies. A Chinese scientist in 2018 created 2 HIV-resistant babies.
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