CARLSAGAN: A Universe Poem

Here we are,
Stationary for all intents and purposes,

Like Carl Sagan said, on this “pale blue dot”,
Our planet, wondrous as it is,
Is but a miniscule mystery we think we’ve solved,

But do we really appreciate that we are here?

When was the last time you glimpsed at the starlight night sky?

A door to the past, Alpha Centauri the nearest star, it’s light 4.3 years late arriving,
And there others older, hundreds, thousands, millions of light years away,
A good number long dead,
Maybe civilizations once survived on some distant star at some corner of a yet undiscovered galaxy,

The things we know, astounding they may be but we have trivialized them,
The wonders yet undiscovered, out there in the sheer desert of space,
In due time, these will give us pause to look up to the stars,
Appreciate the sheer fact amidst all the unknowns that,
Here we are.

I will appreciate any kind of support good people!

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